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Rules & Regulations 

Updated September 2024

General Rules


1) Candidates must be students of members in good standing of the Central Toronto Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association as of September 1, 2024. Members in good standing are those who are up to date with all ORMTA related membership dues.


2) This program is open to student instrumentalists and vocalists from Prep to ARCT. We welcome repertoire from a variety of syllabi including popular listings. Solos, duets and ensembles are welcome. Please note that duets must performed on a single piano (1 piano, 4 hands). We will not have two pianos to facilitate duos (2 pianos, 4 hands) or concerto repertoire. To determine the grade level for a piece that is not listed in any recognized conservatory syllabus, please e-mail providing a scanned copy of the score in question. 

3) Each different arrangement of ensemble performers constitutes a separate entry.  A single student registering on multiple instruments constitutes separate entries. 

4) At the audition, each entry may play a maximum of THREE pieces the total time of which must not exceed 20 minutes unless given express permission from the CTB Branch President ( or registering as a Young or Zone Artist.

5) Payment must accompany the online registration form in order to complete registration. Each entry will be a minimum of $25 with longer program times priced as follows:


$25.00, 0-5 minutes

$30.00, 5-10 minutes

$40.00, 10-15 minutes

$50.00, 15-20 minutes

$80.00, Zone or Young Artist


The fee owing will be the sum of the cost of all entries. This entry fee is non-refundable.

6) Candidates must submit a score of the music for the adjudicator at both the audition and the recital. This score must be within copyright. Internet purchased sheet music must be accompanied with a receipt and newly composed scores must have a note from the composer with permission to use it. PHOTOCOPIED MUSIC IS ILLEGAL AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WHERE COPYRIGHT LAW IS IN EFFECT. For more information about Federal copyright, visit the Copyright Board of Canada at www.cb-cda.gc.caIf no music is provided, assessment will be at the discretion of the adjudicator.

7) Original student compositions are assumed to be the original work of the individual whose name appears on the entry form attached to the manuscript. Any infraction of this regulation will result in nullification of the offending entry. Scores must be submitted online and should reach the auditions Convener (Julia Tchernik no later than the registration deadline. Scores may be computer generated or handwritten neatly and legibly. Scores should include all necessary details of dynamics, editing and tempi, with the first bar of every system numbered. The student’s name must be included on their composition. The teacher’s name must not appear on the composition.

8) All piano and vocal pieces including studies and duets must be memorized. Piano and vocal pieces not memorized will not receive a mark and therefore will not be eligible to perform in the Scholarship Recital. Ensembles and other instrumentalists are not required to play from memory, but should provide an additional score for the adjudicator.

9) It is the responsibility of vocalists and instrumentalists to provide an accompanist for accompanied repertoire for both the audition and recital.  Level 4 and under: a recording will suffice for the accompaniment. Students must provide their own equipment. Level 5 and up students must provide their own accompanist.

10) There is no limit to the number of candidates submitted by each Central Toronto Branch teacher.

11) We need a minimum of 6 entries in a unique instrument group (strings, woodwinds, jazz piano) to hire a specialized adjudicator.


Registration Form

  • The availability of each student as provided on the registration form will be accommodated to the best of our ability, however, we cannot guarantee that every student will be assigned during one of their selected times.

  • Please take care in filling out the registration form giving the correct spelling of students names, pieces (including opus numbers, movements and keys) and composers names.

  • Please list the pieces in the order that they will be performed.

  • The registration form will not be available after the deadline of October 19th, 2019 at 11:59 PM EST




  • If the student selects a piece that is listed as a different grade level between recognized conservatory syllabi, please list both grades.

  • A multimovement work is considered one selection.

  • Students may audition with any number of movements from a particular work regardless of examination requirements. Please note that students will only be allowed to perform one movement of a multi-movement work at the recital, which will be selected by the audition adjudicator.

  • If the student is performing a newly composed work that is not yet published, a note from the composer must accompany the manuscript.

  • If a student performs a piece in a CTB Scholarship Recital, they are not allowed to perform that piece in a subsequent audition.

  • Performing the repeats in a piece is encouraged at the Junior level




  • Audition fees will be paid online and will complete the registration process.

  • Audition fees are non-refundable.


Audition Day


  • Teachers will be notified of their student’s scheduled audition time within one week after the registration deadline of October 19th, 2019

  • Teachers are responsible for communicating scheduling information and these rules to their students.

  • Students should plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Students who are not present at their scheduled audition time will not be allowed to perform. There are no refunds or rescheduling for missed auditions.

  • Students will not be allowed to play past their given program length as indicated by their teacher on the registration form.

  • Students will not be allowed to perform any repertoire that is not listed on the entry form.

  • Young or Zone Artist applicants (GTA Zone Level A) will be heard by all of the auditions adjudicators. They will receive comments from each adjudicator and the decision regarding who moves on to the GTA Zone competition in this category will be by consensus of the group.


Audition Results


  • The audition adjudicator's comments and marks will be typed during the audition. No verbal comments will be given.

  • These comments and marks sheets will be emailed within a few days to the teacher. Students may be invited to perform one of their selections in the Scholarship Recital and/or the GTA Zone competition upon the recommendation of the auditions adjudicator. Teachers are responsible for communicating these results to their students.

  • No student will receive a mark under 70%. The following is a classification of marks directly quoted from the RCM syllabi: 

    90–100 This standing is awarded for exceptional performances that are confident and communicative while demonstrating technical command, insightful awareness of style, and convincing musical interpretation. 

    80–89 This standing is awarded for performances that are musically engaging, show thoughtful preparation, and demonstrate technical security, stylistic understanding, and musical awareness. There is quick recovery from any minor slips or brief lapses. 

    70–79 This standing is awarded for performances that are generally secure and fluent, indicate careful preparation, and reflect some awareness of style and musical understanding. There may be occasional slips or lapses, with room for further development of technical control and attention to musical details.

  • A minimum mark of 85 is required to be considered for the Scholarship Recital. Please note that no mark is a guarantee of an invitation to the Scholarship Recital.

  • Results from the auditions adjudicator are final.


Scholarship Recital

  • If the student is selected to play in the Scholarship Recital, their teacher will be notified within a few days of the auditions along with which piece or movement of a piece that they will be performing. The audition piece or excerpt to be performed will be decided by the auditions adjudicator.

  • Students will only be allowed to perform one movement of a Classical sonata at the recital.  The movement that is performed will be determined by the audition adjudicator. A Bach prelude and fugue is not considered a multimovment work in this case.

  • It is the teachers’ responsibility to inform their students about time, date, location and dress code for the recital.

  • The recital program order will be based on grade level only. No special requests permitted.

  • All candidates should exhibit a high standard of performance and deportment. We have a dress code: no jeans, sneakers or t-shirts.

  • Scholarships for outstanding performances at the recital will be awarded at the discretion of the recital adjudicator. The adjudicator's decisions are final.

  • Each student will receive a maximum of one scholarship at each session except in the event that they are part of both a solo and duet performance. In this case they may receive two scholarships.


For any specific questions about these rules or anything else pertaining to the Auditions & Recitals program, please e-mail the Auditions & Recital Coordinator, Michele Comrie at

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