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LEVEL 10 Piano Exam Scholarship $100.00


Generously donated by the Anne Scott-Mumford Memorial Scholarship Fund.


Awarded to a piano student receiving the highest mark for their Level 10 piano examination each school year (September to August).

Minimum 80% to qualify.

Anne Scott-Mumford

Memorial Scholarship Fund


Anne Scott-Mumford was a long standing member of ORMTA Central Toronto Branch. During her 60-year teaching career in the Toronto-Beaches area, “Aunt Anne” encouraged students to do two things: play Mozart Sonatas, and continue playing piano beyond Grade 8 – preferably to Grade 10. She felt so strongly about both that, upon her passing in 2000, her will designated funds to establish memorial scholarships for these purposes, and she appointed the Central Toronto Branch to award the Recital and Exam scholarships to qualifying students.


Anne was a passionate believer in ORMTA and promoted it far and wide, including for many years at the Music building during the CNE. For over 30 years her other great contribution to music in the city came from being the voice of the ORMTA in the Metro Toronto  area in the days before the Internet. She tirelessly answered the ORMTA Toronto Area phone line and kept a detailed log of all enquiries – sometimes as many as 1250 per year! Calls came from all over the world: students called about taking lessons, teachers called about giving lessons, the general public called with all manner of questions and many newcomers to Toronto enquired about available professional development and membership in the Association.


The Central Toronto Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association has chosen to continue funding the Anne Scott-Mumford Memorial Scholarship Fund and gratefully accepts donations. With your help, many more students will perform movements of Mozart Sonatas and continue their music studies until they complete their Grade 10 Conservatory exams.


Your donation can be made by Interac e- transfer to



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